Avalon Plastic Surgery Grand Opening!
The last few months have been a truly uncertain time in all our lives, and while some have been learning new languages, home schooling kids while trying to work, wishing they could get back to work or working hard on the front lines of this pandemic delivering health care, food, or other essential services, we have been preparing to open our new practice, Avalon Plastic Surgery. The plan for the new practice was in place well before the pandemic hit, and we now realize that the transition will look a bit different than initially envisioned. There won’t be any grand opening events or big parties to celebrate, but we are so excited to bring to you a new plastic surgery experience. We offer an intimate boutique approach to a wide variety of plastic surgery services. We are here to listen to what you need and want. Our goal is to help build your confidence in you, to celebrate the beauty in you that already exists rather than chase someone else’s ideal of beauty. We recognize that most of what we do in plastic surgery is about making changes big and small, but at the heart of what we do it is to enhance YOUR vision of YOU. This is plastic surgery for real people, not an Instagram generated, photoshopped image of exaggeration or perfection. We respect normal anatomy and beautiful natural results. We recognize there are budgets, time constraints, a need to get back to work and kids and other responsibilities. We will offer you options, but we will be honest about the best answer that solves the concern or meets the goal. The truth is that usually there is more than one way to work toward an aesthetic goal and usually it takes more than a single encounter or treatment to meet a need. We are here to establish a long term relationship with our patients, to be a trusted source of information and advice, and sometimes to let you know when you don’t “need” any treatment at all to be the best version of yourself! We are happy to be here, and look forward to getting to know you.